TIME 2017年2月27日3月6日合併号


t0 sustainable development Sufficiency Economy PhiIosophy Thailand's economy economic development Development Goals Sufficiency Economy PhilOSOPhY ThaiIand's Sufficiency Economy 訓 nations United Nations Sufficiency Economy p わ model Sufficiency Economy Villages Sufficiency Economy places humanity knowledge Sufficiency Economy Philos 叩 hy persistence Of poverty extreme poverty small developing nations economic growth t0 doubt able t0 N0thing t0 percent farmers need impressive poverty reduction economic shocks glObal economic powerhouses strong growth Ofthe world's philosophy's approach government basic principles virtues scientists countries GETTY IMAGES Americans longevity questions government people wh0 White House experiences environment captivity commitment intelligence University ILLUSTRATIONS companies country's WASHINGTON PHOTOGRAPH President individuals long time experience vegetables innovation population future Of ZOOS confusion resignation residents advantage United States fPriebus animal's point longevity benefits abig deal famine worm anxiety smart way cornedy general good feeling versation directions preindicator Ofthe list Ofthe accession documents Ofthe cross threat of rollb acks 龜ー onkeys coach Kevin McHale nursing homes groups White House c んげ可 s ガ e longer life ority Of Scots Odd moments P P decisive leader sensors Violent Extrem humans sta s clear agenda sperate